[ In the sea without lees]Standeth the bird of HermesEating his wings  tłumaczenie - [ In the sea without lees]Standeth the bird of HermesEating his wings  łaciński jak to powiedzieć

[ In the sea without lees]Standeth

[ In the sea without lees]

Standeth the bird of Hermes

Eating his wings variable

And maketh himself yet full stable

When all his feathers be from him gone

He standeth still here as a stone

Here is now both white and red

And all so the stone to quicken the dead

All and some without fable

Both hard and soft and malleable

Understand now well and right

And thank you God of this sight
Z języków takich jak: angielski
Na język: łaciński
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[In mare faecis combustae extra]

manducans Hermes stat avem pennis ejus variabilis

et facit se stabile plena plumis sit cum omnibus suis discessit ab eo

se sistit hic quasi lapis hie nunc album et rufus et omnes

omnibus et ita lapis, mortuos vivificare aliqua fabula sine yi '

tam dura et mollia et intelligere nunc bene et recte
et gratia huius coram Deo
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
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