The great mathematician of Brienne was literally unable to keep his washing-bill regularly paid up." And he added, " An empire would have been too small for the exercise of his genius, a farm too large for his indolence
The great mathematician of Brienne was literally unableto keep his washing-bill regularly paid up." And headded, " An empire would have been too small for theexercise of his genius, a farm too large for his indolence
Wielki matematyk Brienne dosłownie był w stanie utrzymać jego regularnego mycia opłacony rachunek ". I dodał:" imperium byłaby zbyt mała dla wykonywania jego geniuszu, gospodarstwo zbyt duże dla jego lenistwa
wielki matematyk z brienne jest dosłownie nie trzymać jego prania bill regularnie płacą. "a" w "imperium byłaby za mała dla wykonywania swojego geniuszu, farmę za duży dla jego bezczynność