I worked seasonally at several restaurants. I prepared meals as well a tłumaczenie - I worked seasonally at several restaurants. I prepared meals as well a angielski jak to powiedzieć

I worked seasonally at several rest

I worked seasonally at several restaurants. I prepared meals as well as a waiter. Usually stand out your dexterity. I can remember my greatest passion is cooking. I like to cook dishes from all over the world, so I'm sure that with the support of the knife or weighing out the product certainly poradze.Ubiegam about his work in this position, because I want to gain new experience in this kierunku.Jestem person capable of both effective and productive work in alone or in grupie.Jestem a young person so also a quick learner.

I worked seasonally in several restaurants. Preparing for my dishes and as a waiter. Usually stand out like dexterity. When I remember my biggest passion is cooking. I like to cook dishes from all over the world, so I'm sure that with a knife or weighing out the product for sure I can manage. I wish to work in this position, because I would like to get a new experience in this direction. I am a person capable of both effective and productive work alone and in a group. I am a young person so quickly learn.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
I worked seasonally at several restaurants. And prepared meals as well as a waiter. Usually stand out your stamina. I can remember my greatest passion is cooking. I like to cook dishes from all over the world, so I'm sure that with the support of the knife or weighing out the product certainly help. I wish about his work in this position, because I want to gain new experience in this direction. I am a person capable of both effective and productive work in alone or in a group. I am a young person so also a quick learner.I worked seasonally in several restaurants. Preparing for my dishes and as a waiter. Usually stand out like stamina. When I remember my biggest passion is cooking. I like to cook dishes from all over the world, so I'm sure that with a knife or weighing out the product for sure I can manage. I wish to work in this position, because I would like to get a new experience in this direction. I am a person capable of both effective and productive work alone and in a group. I am a young person so quickly learn.
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Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
I worked seasonally at several restaurants. I prepared meals as well as a waiter. Usually stand out your dexterity. I can remember my greatest passion is cooking. I like to cook dishes from all over the world, so I'm sure That with the support of the knife or weighing out the product certainly poradze.Ubiegam about his work in this position, because I want to gain new experience in this direction. I am a person capable of both effective and productive work in alone or in grupie.Jestem a young person so also a quick learner. I worked seasonally in several restaurants. Preparing for my dishes and as a waiter. Usually stand out like dexterity. When I remember my biggest passion is cooking. I like to cook dishes from all over the world, so I'm sure That with a knife or weighing out the product for sure I can manage. I wish to work in this position, because I would like to get a new experience in this direction. I am a person capable of both effective and productive work alone and in a group. I am a young person learn so quickly.

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Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
seasonally and worked at several restaurants. and prepared meals as well as a waiter. usually stand out your dexterity. i can remember my greatest passion is cooking. i like to cook dishes from all over the world, so i'm sure that with the support of the knife or weighing out the product certainly can do. i'm about his work in this position, because i want to gain new experience in this direction. i'm a person capable of both effective and productive work in alone or in a group i'm a young person so also a quick learner.seasonally and worked in several restaurants. preparing for my dishes and as a waiter. usually stand out like dexterity. when i remember my biggest passion is cooking. i like to cook dishes from all over the world, so i'm sure that with a knife or weighing out the product for sure i can manage. i wish to work in this position, because i would like to get a new experience in this direction. i am a person capable of both effective and productive work alone and in a group. i am a young person so quickly learn.
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