At the London shipping office we learned that one ship had sailed for  tłumaczenie - At the London shipping office we learned that one ship had sailed for  polski jak to powiedzieć

At the London shipping office we le

At the London shipping office we learned that one ship had sailed for Varna, in the Black Sea, the night before. We also learned of a passenger who arrived at the last minute - a tall thin man in black. He had a pale face, burning eyes and a very red mouth. And he had with him a long box!

'So,' said Van Helsing. 'The ship will take about three weeks to sail to Varna, but we will take the train across Europe and eget there much faster. We leave tomorrow!'

We left London on a cold October day, and four days later we were in Varna. We made our plans and waited for the ship to arrive. Then, at last we had news - the ship was not coming to Warna and was already at Galatz!

We took the first train to Galatz, but we were too late. The box was no longer on the ship. 'Someone came and took it this morning', one of the sailors told us.

We hurried back to our hotel to tell my dear Mina the news, but we saw that she knew it already and her face was white with fear. 'He has gone', she said quietly,' and he is taking me with him. Oh my dear friends! Before I change into a vampire, you must kill me!'

Later, while Mina slept, we tried to make new plans.

'She is right,' said Van Helsing unhappily. 'Our poor Mina is in great danger. She is already beginning to change - her teeth are getting longer and sharper and when the Count reads her thoughts, her eyes are hard and cold. We must find him and kill him - before it is too late!'

We learned that the Count's coffin was travelling by boat up the river and Jack Seward, Arthur and I began to follow in another boat. Wan Helsing took my Mina with him in a carriage, and they began to drive across the mountains to Castle Dracula. When I said goodbye to her, my heart was breaking. Perhaps I shall never see her again.

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Wyniki (polski) 1: [Kopiuj]
At the London shipping office we learned that one ship had sailed for Varna, in the Black Sea, the night before. We also learned of a passenger who arrived at the last minute - a tall thin man in black. He had a pale face, burning eyes and a very red mouth. And he had with him a long box!'So,' said Van Helsing. 'The ship will take about three weeks to sail to Varna, but we will take the train across Europe and eget there much faster. We leave tomorrow!'We left London on a cold October day, and four days later we were in Varna. We made our plans and waited for the ship to arrive. Then, at last we had news - the ship was not coming to Warna and was already at Galatz!We took the first train to Galatz, but we were too late. The box was no longer on the ship. 'Someone came and took it this morning', one of the sailors told us.We hurried back to our hotel to tell my dear Mina the news, but we saw that she knew it already and her face was white with fear. 'He has gone', she said quietly,' and he is taking me with him. Oh my dear friends! Before I change into a vampire, you must kill me!'Later, while Mina slept, we tried to make new plans.'She is right,' said Van Helsing unhappily. 'Our poor Mina is in great danger. She is already beginning to change - her teeth are getting longer and sharper and when the Count reads her thoughts, her eyes are hard and cold. We must find him and kill him - before it is too late!'We learned that the Count's coffin was travelling by boat up the river and Jack Seward, Arthur and I began to follow in another boat. Wan Helsing took my Mina with him in a carriage, and they began to drive across the mountains to Castle Dracula. When I said goodbye to her, my heart was breaking. Perhaps I shall never see her again.
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Wyniki (polski) 2:[Kopiuj]
Na londyńskim biurze żeglugi dowiedzieliśmy się, że jeden statek, zanim popłynął do Warny, w Morzu Czarnym, w nocy. Dowiedział się również od pasażera, który przybył w ostatniej chwili - wysoki chudy mężczyzna w czerni. Miał bladą twarz, pieczenie oczu i bardzo czerwone usta. I miał z nim długą pole! "Tak," powiedział Van Helsing. "Statek zajmie około trzech tygodni, aby dopłynąć do Warny, ale będziemy jechać pociągiem w całej Europie i Eget tam znacznie szybciej. Wyjeżdżamy jutro! " Wyszliśmy Londyn w zimny dzień października, a cztery dni później byliśmy w Warnie. Zrobiliśmy nasze plany i czekał na przybycie statku. Następnie, w końcu mieliśmy wieści - statek nie wracał do Warnie i był już na Galatz! Wzięliśmy pierwszy pociąg do Galatz, ale byliśmy zbyt późno. Okno nie było na statku. "Ktoś przyszedł i wziął go dziś rano", jeden z marynarzy powiedział nam. My pospieszył z powrotem do naszego hotelu, aby powiedzieć, mój drogi Mina wiadomości, ale widzieliśmy, że wiedziała o tym wcześniej, a jej twarz była blada ze strachu. "Poszedł", powiedziała cicho ", a on zabiera mnie z nim. O moi drodzy przyjaciele! Przed zmienić w wampira, musisz mnie zabić! " Później, gdy Mina spali, staraliśmy się nowe plany. " Ona ma rację, "powiedział Van Helsing nieszczęśliwie. "Nasz biedny Mina jest w wielkim niebezpieczeństwie. Ona jest już zaczyna się zmieniać - zęby są coraz dłuższe i ostrzejsze i kiedy hrabia czyta w jej myślach, a jej oczy są twarde i zimne. Musimy go znaleźć i zabić go! - Zanim będzie za późno " Dowiedzieliśmy się, że trumnę hrabiego jechał łodzią w górę rzeki i Jack Seward, Arthur i zaczął podążać w innym statkiem. Wan Helsing wziął moją Mina z nim w wózku i zaczęli jechać przez góry do zamku Draculi. Kiedy pożegnał się z nią, moje serce było złamane. Być może nigdy nie ujrzy ją ponownie.

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